Thursday, March 11, 2010

I "heart" Thursday pt 2

I am participating in this weeks I "heart"... at You and Me Plus Three. Go there now to add yours and read others!!

I started this, and was trying to finish it but my keyboard is retarded. So it is kinda funny that something negative happened while I was trying to think of positives. I guess ironic would be a better word! HA!

I "heart" that God puts people in your life for a reason.

I "heart" that God shows you things you need to see, when you weren't aware of it.

I "heart" sunshine when it's been raining for days, but hate that it can start raining at a drop of the hat here.

I "heart" waking up in paradise, seeing the palm tree out our bedroom window.

I "heart" getting to know new people, and finding common ground with them!

I "heart"  twitter, ha!

I "heart" Facebook games, Hubs thinks I'm addicted, but I don't think so! :)

I "heart" getting chores done, but hate doing them.

I "heart" feeling acomplished when I do finish the chores.

I "heart" my awesome hubs even when we do disagree or argue!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

These are all great!!! =)

Love the blog design!!!