Because of my stupidity, I let my license expire, I admit, I knew full and well that my birthday was coming up and that my license was going to expire on said day, and that we would not be in town, so I thought about going and taking care of it. However, time got away from me. I have no idea how, but next thing I knew it was time to go to Maui, and no time to renew, so I have an expired license. And in the state of Hawaii if you have an out of state expired license you must take and pass the written exam and get a permit and then take the driving test to get a license. Well, there is really only 1 way to get a permit, you go to the office and stand in line, they open at 7:45am, and if you get there early enough you don't have to wait too long. And if you also get there early enough, if you pass the permit test, you can then get BACK in line and wait to see if you can even get a spot for the day to take the driving is how today went....
6am - woke up, preheated the oven to make muffins for my wonderful friend who was going to take me and stay with me
6:15am - had muffins in the oven and was fixing my hair and dressing
7:15am - we were in line waiting for the doors to open...
7:45am - doors open, lines starts moving...
8:15ish am - I get to go in and try to get my permit, but they tell me that I have to get back in line to get my license, even though my license has only been expired for 1 month, when most places have a "grace period" (for lack of a better term) and I go off on them, walk out with out taking it
8:25am - I apologize to the them and pay for the permit test, take it and while I do that, my wonderful friend waits in line FOR me so I don't have to go to the end of the line....
9:00am - by the time all that is done it's already 9am, and we wait in line 30 min before it starts to move, and then finally it starts moving...
10:15am - got an appointment for 2pm....
between 10:30am and 1:30pm we hang out
1:30pm - get back to the DMV to wait to be called...
2pm - called to take the test....
2:20pm - crazy lady tells me I scored 40 points on a test I need 15 points on....apparently in the state of Hawaii you pull out into the intersection to make a left turn on green (when no arrow) and try to get yourself hit...I'm sorry, but I was scared to DEATH that I was going to kill the woman, so why the HELL would I pull out into an intersection in a bad part of town....WTF is wrong with these people.....I admit, some of the mistakes I made I know I made, like forgetting to look over my shoulder, yea, I knew I messed up, after I did it, I was like, SHIT (in my head), but come on...the roads are so bad there, and things aren't marked well, so how the hell am I to see the damn bike lane if it isn't clearly marked? And the STOP line in the parking lot at the DMV is so worn down I wouldn't have stopped if she hadn't of told me it was a stop line...and apparently, if the NOSE of your bumper is ON the stop line, you've CROSSED it, I wasn't aware that was a tires were behind it, the crazy lady LEANED out my window to look...this is one reason I do not like Hawaii, they hate white friend brought up a good point, that her husband pointed out, because they don't like military, but he said that if it weren't for the military then there would be no island, so they should be thanking us! And I'd have to take that you stupid Hawaiians...
2:25pm - on the phone cussing at the husband, because really, what else are they good for ;) (totally kidding)
2:30pm - a guy who gives the test comes up to my car and asks if I've taken the test, I say yes, I failed, he then asks me what I'm doing (I have my phone to my ear that he can see) and I tell him I'm on the phone because it's ILLEGAL to talk on the phone in HAWAII WHILE YOU DRIVE, what the hell do you think I'm doing, I mean really.....
2:40pm - I call my husband back because NOW my phone won't charge, it started that last night, and I didn't think much of it, but when I plugged it into the car charger it didn't want to charge, unless the charger is in the hole JUST right....since when did my phone turn into a female?!?!
But on the bright side of all this, I have a permit for Hawaii, and all I have to do next time is go stand in line at 7am and HOPE I'm one of the first to get a driving test, and NOT be with the same lady and I'll pass, oh and I'll be sure to STOP in the middle of an intersection when making a right turn, I mean, why not put the life of the person who can say whether I pass or fail in danger?!?!