Secret Life of the American Teenager - first of all, teen pregnancy is a problem in the US, and people need to realize that, but making it look like a good thing is just not cool, sure families should not turn their backs on the young girls, but making it look glamorous is just silly...and then, my bestie wrote about how they seem to be leaning toward having a character have an abortion, which I mean, every girl probably thinks about it when they find themselves pregnant unexpectedly, but 16 year olds shouldn't be thinking about such a life changing thing. I don't think abortion should be banned or illegal, I think it should be a choice. I also feel that if it were to become illegal we'd have the black market abortions, and we'd be more prone to 2 deaths instead of one, and I just don't know...but I just don't know, I can't watch that show, it just pisses me off to much and besides, it's horrible acting and horrible story. I mean, the one who got pregnant in the beginnings mom ended up pregnant with another man's baby...I know that happens every day, but do we really need to put it out there on a TV show and make it look cool? I think not....
So, onto the shows I love...some of them are train wrecks that I can't look away from...and I'll start with those, because, come on, who doesn't love a train wreck ;)
Jersey Shore, 16 & Pregnant, Teen Mom, anything Kardashian...
Now onto shows I'm embarrassed to confess I watch (which really, the train wrecks should be a part of this, but oh well...)
Toddlers and Tiarra's, E! News, The Soup, Daily 10, Southpark, Boondocks
Some that I just love...
Army Wives, Chelsea Lately, Tosh.0, Holly's World, White Collar, Burn Notice, Modern Family, The Middle, Cougar Town, NCIS, Family Guy, Two and a Half Men
Some oldies but goodies...
Gimore Girls, Friends, Full House, The Nanny, Clarissa Explains it All, anything Nick at Night or TGIF (back in the day)