Sunday, April 25, 2010
Some Change is Good, right?!
It's a new comment system that a lot of people are using these days. I hate to become a follower and do like they are, but it truly does make sense, and is super easy to respond to comments, unlike the Blogger system. Here is the deal - it's called Disqus (this is the register link), it is a FREE service, and you can even sign into it with your OpenID (I'm not sure what that is...), it's just an easy way to keep track of comments you've made, and comments I get. And it makes it easier to know if someone responds to your comments, and keeps you from having to find the persons link and blog, because lets face it, having to go through all those steps is just pain stakingly dull. Ok, so here is how it works. You can go to Disqus and create an account, or you can create it when you leave a comment. There is a "name" "website" and "email" form under the comment box. Fill it out so I can respond to you, make a Disqus account if you'd like. If you already have one, then sign in, or just fill it out and hit respond. I hope I've made it clear, if you don't understand something please e-mail me - mandanegley09[at]gmail[dot]com