Hey Y'all..
Welcome to Thursday Five..
Wanna play?
Just post 5 things that have made you..
or all of the above..
After you do your post..go back here and link up..
Before I get into my list, I've got some stuff to talk about, haha, go figure, so I woke up yesterday, thinking I had a bladder infection, but I just took some Azo Cranberry pills, to try and ward it off, but by the evening I was just so uncomfortable, that after our Dave Ramsey class I told the LT that I wanted to go the ER. He was not happy, but I told him I'd rather go now, than wake him up in the middle of the night in worse pain. And sure enough, something was wrong. It wasn't a bladder infection, but 4 kidney stones, 1 of which I was ready to pass, like any time I peed. We ended up spending 4 hours at the ER, I thought it'd be an in and out thing, and then it turned out to be a CT scan and IV thing. UGH, the PA did NOT tell me she wanted blood work or an IV. BOOOOOOOOOOO, I hate needles and blood work, yuck. Anyways, they gave me a strainer to pee through to try and catch the stones. And so I had to pee before we left, so I took my handy little strainer and went to pee, and I caught a stone, I have suffered from Kidney Stones since like 2003, so 7 years, and every time they give me a strainer I can never happen to get one. So it's a step in the right direction, and we can hopefully figure out what is causing my kidney stones! This time around hasn't been as painful, so I'm glad we went when we did, and the LT didn't miss any work. So that's good.
Another thing going on is the Army Housing here in Hawaii is starting this mock billing system for electricity. So the older homes, i.e. the one we live in, didn't have a meter on it, so they've been installing them for like the last month or so. So today was the day for our house, they left a letter on our door saying that the power would be out from 7am until 4 pm, ugh, sure enough, right at 7am they shut the power off, and started banging on our house, so not only did I not sleep well because of the kidney stone, I was rudely woken up by banging, and that lasted until like 11am, and then about 12:30pm the power came back on, so YAY, I was not looking forward to being in the house with no power. It makes you realize how truly lucky we are to have electricity. So back to the mock billing, right now they are not charging us for electricity, and up until now they haven't put a cap on how much we use. So now, they are going to be doing this mock billing, where they'll measure how much we use, and then in, I think July 2011, they are going to actually charge us for what we use. But they are going to give us a cap, I think, if I understand correctly, they will give us an amount of how much we can use, and if we go over we owe them, but if we go under, they'll give us money, so that's a good incentive for not using a lot of electricity. I think we don't use a lot, the AC is on in our room only at night, and I don't run the one in the living room all day, just for like 30 min here and there. The TV is on all the time if we are home, because I like the background noise, and we don't run the dishwasher except at night, which is good. I do laundry once a week, or so, and I try to do it all in one day, in as little loads as possible, and we have High Effiency and save electricity! So I'd like to think we're helping, but we'll find out!
Ok, so lets get into Thursday's Five....
again, just post 5 things that have made you..
or all of the above..
1. Having a wonderful hubs who makes me laugh even when I'm in pain sitting in the ER, like he did last night. I am truly blessed!!
2. I'm so happy that the rainy season is almost over here in Hawaii, but I'm not looking forward to how hot it could get, ha!
3. I'm grateful for a place to sleep, food to eat, and electricity! This morning has made me realize how amazing America is and what a great place we live where we can have the convience of electricity. And it upsets me that I take it for granted sometimes...
4. I love that I have an awesome BFF pen pal who can cheer me up when I'm down, and who I can cheer up when she's down. I love that we have a date for a dance party when we both are feeling better!
5. Watching my little niece, Kbug, grow up, I hate not being near her, but I love being able to see her picture daily on Facebook and I love getting the random text message from Em with a picture and update on how she's growing, *hint hint - I want more pics texted to me, lol*
So I have some pictures and a video from our visit to the ER last night, but I can't find our cable for the phone to put them onto the computer, so as soon as the LT gets home, I'll ask him to help me find it! I think he was the one to use it last, haha, so as soon as I get those uploaded, I'll post them, they are precious! And if you follow me on Twitter, you've seen the photos, I tweeted them last night, I tried to tweet the video but it was going to take a really really long time, bahaha!
Don't forget to check out Keely at Mannland5 where I got this Meme from! :)