I did send off a package to the adoptive family. I included the book I won from Kelsey, a christmas ornament I picked up, and the main reason it was so late in going out is because I decided to include some pictures from when I was a child, and the wedding and our first year here in Hawaii, and instead of using 1 hour, I did site to store on wal mart because it was so much cheaper than 1 hour or even to have them shipped here, it would have cost more than the pictures to ship them, and call me cheap, but I wasn't going to do that when I could have them shipped to the local wal mart for free....so I picked those up, and sent them along with a birthday card, a pretty long letter and then a note explaining why it was kind of late, I mean, I have no schedule as to when to send things, but they did send one to me between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I felt bad waiting. Anyways, they should get it next week. I hope they enjoy the book as much as I did, and I can't wait to get one for myself. The ornament I got was a cute little bear that was wearing a shirt that said "I <3 Hawaii" and I think he had a surf board, I can't remember. I thought it would be neat to give him an ornament from somewhere I lived, I think next year I'll send one from Tennessee or Georgia, but I don't know. His first ornament from me was Noah's Ark, because my mom wanted to give him my Noah's Ark music box, so I thought it was something neat to do. Last years was just a sugar cookie 2 with a bear....I was going to get the 3rd one this year, but I wanted something different. I'm sure I'm putting way to much thought into his ornaments, and I am sure right now he doesn't give a rats ass about them, lol...
The hubby will be able to talk again in 6 days, I can't wait....I haven't been having a hard time with it, until lately, the last couple days. He'll be home in just 2 weeks too :) Well, a little over 2 weeks. But either way, I miss him. I've tried not to complain, and I really don't feel like stating that I miss him is complaining. But if you think it is, then know that I don't mean it that way, and if you think it is complaining you can just skip this section...
Here is the poem put to music, it is quite touching...
So many wrong decisions in my past, I'm not quite sure
If I can ever hope to trust my judgement anymore.
But lately I've been thinking,
Cause it's all I've had to do.
And in my heart I feel that I
Should give this child to you.
And maybe, you could tell your baby,
When you love him so, that he's been loved before, By someone, who delivered your son,
From God's arms, to my arms, to yours.
If you choose to tell him,
If he wants to know,
How the one who gave him life
Could bear to let him go.
Just tell him there were sleepless nights,
I prayed and paced the floors,
And knew the only peace I'd find,
Was if this child was yours.
And maybe, you could tell your baby,
When you love him so, that he's been loved before,
By someone, who delivered your son,
From God's arms, to my arms, to yours.
This may not be the answer,
For another girl like me.
But I'm not on a soapbox,
Saying how we all should be.
I'm just trusting in my feelings,
And I'm trusting God above,
And I'm trusting you can give this baby
Both his mothers' love.
And maybe, you could tell your baby,
When you love him so, that he's been loved before,
By someone, who delivered your son,
From God's arms, to my arms, to yours.