Thursday, March 25, 2010

I "heart" Thursdays pt 3

I am participating in this weeks I "heart"... at You and Me Plus Three. Go there now to add yours and read others!!

I meant to do this last week, but time just got away from me! I "heart" these posts, and I "heart" reading what Crystal has written. Her post this week is so sweet, and full of how much she "hearts" being a mom to her children, and how she "hearts" the things they do and the things they say! And her story is just so encouraging and amazing, and it makes me realize that life is precious, and that even when you feel like you are barely floating above water, something AMAZING is going on around you as well. I am so glad that I stumbled upon Crystal's blog and enjoy getting to know her more and getting to read more of her story! You should really check her out, she has 3 beautiful children, and an awesome story to share!!

I "heart" sleeping in, and I "heart" that I am allowed to!

I "heart" that the hubs is no longer going to be the Junior Officer, it just means we're one step farther in his career, and I'm so glad that he is finally in a Battery! It is so neat to watch his career grow and see him become the Officer he wants to be! I just love it! And getting to see him grow as a person is amazing!

I "heart" the HUBS!

I "heart" - I am in LOVE with the ladies I've met, and the promising friendships I hope to make!

I "heart" being able to watch General Hospital every day! Woohoo!

I "heart" playing Facebook games!

That is all I can think of now! I'm sure I will later, I think what I'm going to start doing is write things on a piece of paper dring the week that I "heart," so I don't forget things, ha!

1 comment:

Mother Knows Best Reviews said...

I *heart* this blog - what a neat idea, and what fun topics!