So obviously from my title, I was awarded this awesome award! Robin over at Lolidots picked me as one of her 7, so now I'm going to have to come up with my own 7, CRAP....
Apparently she thinks I'm Versatile and enjoys late night comment convos with me, which goes both ways, you know, seeing as I enjoyed them as well!! (We'll have to do it again some time, not tonight because I'm paper macheing, but soon!!!)
Rules? Yep, there are rules. Share 7 things and give it to 7 peeps.
SO, my 7 things, ick, this is gonna be hard....or maybe not....we'll see!
1. I'm kinda stealing this first one from Robin, because, well I can relate, it's a slightly different story, but on the same lines....when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade some boy called me a "shrimp" on the playground, so I pushed him down, and I got in trouble, not him!
2. Another elementary story - in 4th grade I called my someone a "bitch" and she told the teacher and we had to sit in the hallway while she got my mom's phone number, and I had to tell my mom what I did, the first thing she said was, OMG you know how to spell that, and I said "Yea, I just learned, she told me how" - because if you know me, then you know I am NOT a speller....
3. (because we're on the subject, I'll give ya'll this one) Apparently I was a holy terror because in 8th grade, same person from #2, I wrote a note to her, and apparently it was a death threat, and we ended up in the principles office....
4. Let's get away from my mean spiritedness, shall we....I am in the middle of making paper mache letters to go on our walls, I'm feeling like I'm in elementary school again, that must be why the first 3 were about my childhood, ha!
5. I have been pen pals for SEVERAL years with a girl I met online, whom I've never met in person, but I feel closer to her than I do some of my friends who I know in person.
6. While my husband was in class during his training I would sit in the hotel room and play Fallout 3 on XBOX all day, he would come home and I'd be playing, and at one point, I was even farther along than he was, and out leveled him!
7. I'm in LOVE with my new friends babies, and enjoy spending time with them, so much so, my husband thinks I have a problem....
Those are 7 pretty random, and useless facts, and some of them I can't even believe I'm posting, like the first 3, so I'm going to publish this before I change my mind, ha!
Now onto the people I pick!
1. Mel - my BFFL pen pal!!!
2. Holly B - at Life as a Navy Wife & Everything Else
3. Katie, a fellow TN gal, at Cleared for Takeoff
4. Christie, a sorority sister from my pledge class, who is living in AK and pregnant with her 2nd beautiful baby!!!
5. Natalie, a lady who I admire and love from my days in Cleveland, GA!
6. Amy's a fellow Birth Mom, who blogs about her VERY open adoption on Amstel Life
7. She's also a fellow Birth Mom and author of a great adoption story book, Kelsey Stewart!