Monday, November 8, 2010

Favorite Adoption Songs

Over at Birthmothers for Adoption they shared a song, and it got me thinking about some of the many adoption songs, and these are 2 that I like. The first one is the one they shared on Birthmothers For Adoption....

(Michael Pearce Donley's tribute to birthmothers. "Birthmoms are heroes," Michael says. "and it's time they had a song to honor them." This was recorded live on January 30, 2010, a few days after it was written. This was part of a performance called "Laugh for Life" as a benefit for New Life Family Services. ) *copied from Birthmothers for Adoption)

And this one is a poem written by a birth mom that was turned into a song...From God's Arms, To My Arms, To Yours - here are the lyrics, and the poem

(This poem was based on the writings of a young birth mother, whom she shared with songwriter Michael McClean. It has been set to music and comes with a 100% guarantee that no one who has been involved with adoption in any way will make it all the way through with dry eyes!) *copied from

What are your favorites? Be sure to post them in my comments section, and also back at Birthmothers for Adoption's post!!!


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